caring for Your Mental Health


Mental Health is Important!
It is important to take care of both your mental health and physical health. I recommend engaging in at least 30 minutes of self-care (time alone, physical exercise, hobby, etc.) daily. People are often afraid to talk about mental health issues or seek treatment, due to misconceptions about what it means to need help, as well as the stigma associated with mental illness and seeing a therapist. I am committed to ending mental health stigma. If you are wondering if therapy is right for you, I offer a free consultation for you to ask questions and learn more about the benefits of therapy and the services I provide.

What is Mental Health?
Mental health is the way your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors affect your life. Good mental health leads to positive self-image and satisfying relationships with friends and others. Mental health is as important as physical health and the two are closely related. Just as it is not someone’s fault for having a physical health problem like diabetes, it is not someone’s fault for having a mental health problem like depression. No one is to blame.

What are Mental Health Problems?
Mental health problems are things like anxiety, depression, and relationship difficulties, to name a few. Some individuals experience mild mental health concerns and others more severe. Mental health problems are real and deserve to be treated. The consequences of not getting help for mental health problems can be serious. Untreated problems often continue and become worse, and new problems may occur. For example, someone with panic attacks might begin to drink too much alcohol with the mistaken hope that it will relieve his or her emotional pain.

How Can People with Mental Health Concerns Get Help?
Health professionals who specialize in helping people with mental health problems can help; these individuals include psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, and psychiatric nurses. Psychotherapy, or just therapy, is often an important part of mental health treatment by qualified professionals. In some situations, physicians may recommend the use of medication for an individual with a mental health problem. Family members, friends, and the individual’s community can also be sources of support.

What is Therapy and Why Go?
Therapy is an interpersonal, relational intervention used by licensed professionals such psychologists or marriage and family therapists. Therapy is a partnership between an individual and a professional who is trained to help people understand their feelings and assist them with modifying behaviors to function better in life. Therapy usually includes increasing individual sense of well-being and reducing discomforting feelings. Many individuals find much success when using therapy for mental health concerns.

What Does Research Show About the Effectiveness of Therapy?
Research suggests that therapy effectively decreases clients’ unpleasant symptoms – such as depression, anxiety, or relationship difficulties – and has been found to have positive effects on the body’s immune system. Research increasingly supports the idea that emotional and physical health are closely linked and that therapy can improve a person’s overall health status.